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Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic Language
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Chapter 3: General provisions
<p></p><ul><li>Additional departments and Committees may be formed should the need arise</li></ul><ul><li>The General Director has the right to amend these Articles in accordance with the structure of the Doha Institute of Graduate Studies</li></ul><ul><li>These Articles come into effect upon their approval by the General Director</li></ul>
Chapter 2: Organizational Structure
<p></p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Article 5: Structure</strong></p><p> </p><p>1. General Director</p><p>2. Scientific Council</p><p>3. Executive Director</p><p>4. Executive Body</p><p>5. Specialist Departments</p><p> </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Article 6: Duties and Responsibilities</strong></p><p> </p><p>1. <strong>The General Director</strong> is responsible for the academic, administrative, and financial running of the Project. His/ Her responsibilities include: </p><ul><li>Setting the budget and controlling its implementation</li><li>Appointing the Executive Director and his deputy</li><li>Appointing the members of the Scientific Council, and its chair, deputy, and secretary</li><li>Appointing the staff, experts, and workers on the Project (in consultation with the Executive Director)</li><li>Ratification of agreements and contracts entered into with specific parties to produce the Dictionary (in consultation with the Executive Director and the recommendations of the Scientific Council).</li></ul><p><strong>2. The Scientific Council </strong>is an independent academic body that relies on academic criteria in its operation and decisions.</p><p><strong>Composition:</strong></p><ul><li>The Scientific Council is composed of a chair, two deputies, and a secretary and a distinguished group of scholars and experts.</li><li>The General Director and the Executive Director and the latter's two deputies are members of the Scientific Council.</li></ul><p><strong>Responsibilities:</strong></p><ul><li>To approve the final form of the Dictionary at all stages of its production</li><li>To decide upon the Dictionary entries</li><li>To prepare the bibliography for the corpus according to the stages of production of the Dictionary</li><li>To produce the stylebook for Dictionary entries</li><li>To resolve academic issues raised by the Oversight and Monitoring Executive Body, and publish reports on these matters</li><li>To propose the holding of conferences and workshops related to issues of the Dictionary</li><li>To prepare the internal rules for the working of the Board</li></ul><p><strong>Responsibilities of the Chair of the Scientific Council:</strong></p><p>The chair of the Scientific Council shall, with the assistance of his/her two deputies, undertake the following:</p><ul><li>Oversight of the administration of the business of the Board</li><li>Presiding over Board meetings</li><li>Determining the agenda for the Board</li><li>Allocating tasks to Board members and following up on their implementation</li><li>Coordination with the head of the Oversight and Monitoring Executive Body</li></ul><p><strong>Responsibilities of the Secretary of the Scientific Council:</strong></p><ul><ul><li>To draw up the agenda for the Board</li><li>To invite members to attend meetings</li><li>To prepare reports of Board meetings</li><li>To formulate the decisions of the Board</li><li>To keep documents and records</li></ul></ul><p><strong>3. The Executive Body</strong> is the body that oversees the production of the Dictionary and monitors its operation in coordination with the Scientific Council.</p><p><strong>Composition:</strong></p><p>The Executive Body is made up of the Executive Director, his/her two deputies, and the chairs of the specialist departments.</p><p><strong>Responsibilities</strong></p><ul><li>To draw up the plan to produce the Dictionary</li><li>To follow up on the stages of the production of the Dictionary</li><li>To follow up on the work of the departments</li><li>To define the problematic academic issues that need to be raised with the Scientific Council</li><li>To nominate staff and experts for employment on the Project</li><li>To propose agreements and contracts with specific parties to produce the Dictionary</li><li>To prepare the internal rules for the operation of the Executive Body</li></ul><p><strong>4. The Executive Director </strong>chairs the Executive Body</p><p><strong>Responsibilities:</strong> the Executive Director with the assistance of his/her two deputies shall undertake the following:</p><ul><li>Oversight of the administration of the production of the Dictionary</li><li>Coordination of work between the Executive Body and the Board</li><li>Determination of the agenda of the Executive Body</li><li>Presiding over Executive Body meetings</li><li>Determination of the agenda for Executive Body meetings</li><li>Coordination of the work among the departments</li><li>Allocating tasks among Executive Body members and following up on implementation</li><li>Raising problematic academic issues with the Board</li><li>Preparing reports on progress in the production of the Dictionary and presenting them to the General Director and the Board</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>5. The Specialist Departments and Their Tasks</strong></p><p>1. Corpus Department:</p><ul><li>To build a general linguistic corpus</li></ul><p>2. Processing Department:</p><ul><li>Classification and tagging</li><li>Extracting from the textual corpus</li><li>Processing dictionary entries</li></ul><p>3. Editing, Review, and Proofing Department:</p><ul><li>Editing the Dictionary</li><li>Reviewing and proofing the dictionary entries</li></ul><p>4. The Computing Department: </p><ul><li>To prepare the computing requirements needed for the Dictionary</li><li>To train and equip users</li></ul><p>5. The Media and PR Department: </p><ul><li>To cover the stages of the Dictionary's production</li><li>To undertake public relations</li></ul><p>6. The Department for Administrative, Financial, and Legal Affairs: </p><ul><li>To run the administrative affairs of the Project</li><li>To run the financial affairs of the Project</li><li>To provide legal advice</li></ul><p><br></p>
Chapter 1: General principles
<p><strong></strong> </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Article 1</strong></p><p>The words used in these Articles, unless the context indicates otherwise, have the following meanings:</p><p><strong>Project:</strong> The Doha Arabic Historical Dictionary Project</p><p><strong>Dictionary:</strong> The Doha Arabic Historical Dictionary</p><p><strong>Board:</strong> The Scientific Council</p><p><strong>Executive Body:</strong> The Oversight and Monitoring Executive Body</p><p><strong>Departments:</strong> The specialist departments</p><p> </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Article 2</strong></p><p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Project name:</strong> Doha Arabic Historical Dictionary Project</p><p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Project address:</strong> ACRPS, P.O. Box 200592, Doha, Qatar. In the future, the project may form branches or offices in other Arab countries and elsewhere</p><p style="text-align:justify;"><strong>Project description:</strong> An academic linguistic project with corporate personality under the authority of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha, Qatar</p><p style="text-align:justify;"> </p><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Article 3: Aims of the Project</strong></p><ul><li>To produce a Historical Dictionary of the Arabic language</li></ul><ul><li>To create a comprehensive Corpus of Arabic</li></ul><ul><li>To derive sub-dictionaries from the Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language</li></ul><ul><li>To publish lexicographical research and studies</li></ul><p style="text-align:center;"><strong>Article 4: Instruments of the Project</strong></p><ul><li>Experts in linguistics and qualified computer programmers</li></ul><ul><li>Electronic corpora</li></ul><ul><li>Advanced computer hardware and software</li></ul><ul><li>Conferences, seminars, workshops, and training courses</li></ul><p> </p><p><br> </p>
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