Abdelmounem Hourfane
Senior Linguistic Expert

Doctorate in Linguistics from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University in Fez, Morocco. He served there as a research professor and held the positions of Head of the Arabic Language Department and Director of the Linguistic Research Laboratory: "Terminological Research and Textual Studies." He previously managed the editorial board of the journal Waraqat and was a member of the editorial board of the international journal "Linguistic Communication." He is currently a member of the editorial board of the journal Afaq Adabiyya.

His research interests focus on the linguistic study of morphological, syntactic, grammatical, and lexical phenomena in the Arabic language. He has authored numerous publications in the fields of linguistics, morphology, lexicography, and grammar, and has translated several articles into Arabic. His recent works include the book "The Structure of the Arabic Word: Studies in Morphology and Lexicography" and the book "Andalusian Grammar through the Dictations of Al-Suhaili." He also oversaw the publication of the book "Text in Linguistic and Critical Approaches."

He has participated in many local and international conferences and supervised and examined numerous theses at various Moroccan universities. He joined the Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language as a collaborating expert in 2015. He progressed from editor to coordinator of lexical processing, then supervisor of a processing team, then coordinator of the lexicographic editing team, and subsequently joined the quality control level before becoming an editor.