Hussain Alzeraee
Head of the Media and Public Relations Unit

Professor of Higher Education in Linguistics, former head of the Arabic language department at the Faculty of Arts, Sana’a University (2009-2011), a doctorate from Mohammed V University (2003), and a professorship from Sana’a University (2015). He worked at Sana’a University (2004-2011) and King Khalid University (2011-2013), and has more than 20 research papers and books in various linguistic fields, in structure, semantics, lexicon, morphology, pragmatics, and others, most of which were published in Morocco, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Algeria. His Lexical Achievement: A Theory in (Word Building and Analysis), a book published in Algeria (2011). And the computerized coordinated dictionary, published in Umm Al-Qura magazine 2012. Head of the teams for preparing school dictionaries (2008): The Arab Research Center in the State of Kuwait, supervised by the Center for Educational Research and Development in Yemen. He joined the Doha Historical Dictionary (2014) as a reviewer, editor, editorial coordinator and quality controller. He trained and monitored the teams of Yemen, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Algeria - Tlemcen during the follow-up and rehabilitation mission entrusted to him within the tasks of the historical dictionary.