Zeina Saayfan
Linguistic Expert

Expert in Terminology at the Doha Historical Dictionary Arabic.

Professor of Applied Linguistics and Discourse Analysis at Saint Joseph University and the Lebanese University.

Former Head of the Arabic Language Department at the Institute of Oriental Letters (ILO) at Saint Joseph University.

Former lecturer at the Language Center of the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in the field of teaching Arabic as a foreign language and academic Arabic for non-specialists among graduate students.

Her academic background in linguistics is based on the pragmatic approach to communication and speech exchanges. Her research interests include the formation of corpora of autobiographical writings and non-fictional self-narratives.

She obtained her PhD from Saint Joseph University, specializing in text linguistics and autobiographical discourse analysis.

She received a research fellowship and continued her training with the formative discourse analysis team for text and manuscript, and the text linguistics team ITEM at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. She also has training in computational linguistics from IIT Delhi.

She previously worked at the Arab Thought Foundation in the field of cultural project management, including the "Arab Creativity Award" in seven knowledge fields and the "Best Book Award."

She holds two Master's degrees, the first in Terminology Arabization from Saint Joseph University in Lebanon, where she published the "Translation of Theatre Criticism Terms by Anne Ubersfeld," and the second in Communication from Paris 2-CFPJ Institute.

She supervises two Master's students and co-supervises four PhD students at the Institute of Oriental Letters at Saint Joseph University.

She has seven other published research papers and has reviewed research papers for the Journal of the Faculty of Arts at the Lebanese University, Khitabat Journal, and the Annals of the Institute of Oriental Letters Journal.