DispForm.aspx<img alt="" src="/PublishingImages/Icons/icon1.png?RenditionID=11" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />About the EstablishmentYesThe Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic Establishment is an academic linguistic institution with corporate personality under the authority of the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies.http://diqspfw01/EN/AboutUs/Pages/default.aspx, About the Foundation
DispForm.aspx<img alt="" src="/PublishingImages/Icons/icon2.png?RenditionID=11" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />StatuteYesThe statute is the reference law that the establishment relies on for conducting its functions, regulating the relations among its constituents, and determining the roles and responsibilities of its contributers.http://diqspfw01/EN/AboutUs/Pages/Main_System.aspx, Main System
DispForm.aspx<img alt="" src="/PublishingImages/Icons/icon3.png?RenditionID=11" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Organizational ChartYesThe establishment of the Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic is composed of: the Scientific Council, the Executive Board, and a number of specialized Departments.http://diqspfw01/EN/AboutUs/Pages/Organization_Chart.aspx, Organizational Chart
DispForm.aspx<img alt="" src="/PublishingImages/Icons/icon7.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Lexicographers' ForumsYesThis forum is regarded as a platform for scientific discussions on the issues related to the historical dictionary as well as lexical and terminological studies. It enables dialoguing on the services provided by this portal in the fields of bibliographies, text corpora, and dictionary entries in accordance to the progress of the project of the historical dictionary.http://diqspfw01/EN/Pages/Forums.aspx, Lexicographers' Forums



DispForm.aspxThe Scientific Council of the Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic will hold its nineteenth meeting on Tuesday, 31 January and Wednesday, 1 February 2023 in Doha. The agenda for the first day includes approving the minutes of the 18th meeting's deliberatihttp://diqspfw01/EN/news_events/news/pages/19thmeeting.aspx, 19thMeeting
DispForm.aspxhe Dictionary will hold its third international conference , seeking to connect the historical and cultural dimensions of the Arabic lexiconhttp://diqspfw01/EN/News_Events/Events/Pages/المؤتمر-الدّوليّ-الثّالث-لمعجم-الدّوحة-التّاريخيّ-للّغة-العربيّة.aspx, Third conference
DispForm.aspxHis Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar on Monday launched the web portal for the Doha Historical Dictionary for the Arabic Language. http://diqspfw01/EN/News_Events/News/Pages/Doha-Dictionary-Launch-Ceremony.aspx, https://news.dohadictionary.org/EN/News_Events/News/Pages/Doha-Dictionary-Launch-Ceremony.aspx
DispForm.aspxBuilding a historical dictionary of the Arabic Language is never an easy task, it is a project of the whole nation .. I was, and am still fully convinced that the Arabic language cannot be smoothly developed without catching up with the modern achievementhttp://diqspfw01/EN/Pages/DrAzmiSpeech.aspx, Azmi Beshara



DispForm.aspx<img alt="" src="/PublishingImages/Icons/icon4.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Bibliographyhttps://dohadictionary.org/bibliography, BibliographyComprehensive bibliography representing the Arabic epistemological product is the basis of building the corpora of the Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language.
DispForm.aspx<img alt="" src="/PublishingImages/Icons/icon5.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Corpushttps://dohadictionary.org/corpus, CorpusThe project's linguistic corpus derives its material from Arabic language sources included in the bibliography of ​ the first time period (- 430AH to 200AH)​.
DispForm.aspx<img alt="" src="/PublishingImages/Icons/icon6.png" style="BORDER:0px solid;" />Dictionaryhttps://dohadictionary.org/dictionary, Dictionary This window displays some exemplar edited dictionary entries.



DispForm.aspxOur VisionTo elevate the Arabic language to the state-of-the-art of the lexicography and terminology.http://diqspfw01/EN/AboutUs/Pages/default.aspx, read more
DispForm.aspxOur MissionThe primal target of this establishment is the achievement of a historical dictionary of the Arabic language that spawns some other goals such as building a bibliography of the Arabic epistemological product, building annotated Arabic corpora, deriving subsidiary as well as terminological dictionaries for various scientific domains, and developing Arabic NLP tools.http://diqspfw01/EN/AboutUs/Pages/default.aspx, read more
DispForm.aspxThe Concept of Historical DictionaryThe historical dictionary of the Arabic language is a dictionary that records Arabic vocabulary since its usage in the earliest script to date. This dictionary also pursues the history of its morphological and semantic evolution, and chronicles them with citations that prove the authenticity of the information attached with each word.http://diqspfw01/EN/Pages/DictionaryDefinition.aspx, Dictionary Definition
DispForm.aspxImportance of the Historical Dictionary of the Arabic LanguageBuilding a historical dictionary of the Arabic Language means building the linguistic memory of our nation. As the language mirrors the thought, the construction of the linguistic memory is also a construction of the intellectual memory. Therefore, if we could historically chronicle this memory, we are actually facilitating the observation of the linguistic and intellectual developments that this nation went through over twenty centuries of its history.http://diqspfw01/EN/Pages/DictionaryImportance.aspx, Dictionary Importance





Conference: “The Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic and Its Scientific and Cultural Dimensions<h2 class="page-title__main" style="margin-bottom:0px;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;color:#333333;line-height:1.5;background-color:#ffffff;text-align:center;"><span class="titlewd ms-rteFontSize-3" style="width:100%;">Conference: “The Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language and Its Scientific and Cultural Dimensions”</span></h2><p><br></p><p style="margin-bottom:10px;color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language has is the first historical dictionary to be completed. The project aims to provide the researcher with rich lexical data to understand the historical course of the Arabic language. This dictionary is an open record with a cumulative structure that allows those who use it to monitor the evolving meanings of Arabic words and their structure over time, based on living evidence, and document the history and frequency of their use, and their origin, expansion and survival.</span></p><p style="margin-bottom:10px;color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The Dictionary will hold its third international conference “The Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language and Its Scientific and Cultural Dimensions,” seeking to connect the historical and cultural dimensions of the Arabic lexicon with the scientific and cognitive context in which words emerged and developed, their social and economic application, and their historical relevance.</span></p><p style="margin-bottom:10px;color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The Doha Historical Dictionary was launched by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies on 25 May 2013 and, subsequently, the first phase was completed on 10 December 2018 and made available to the readers through a multi-service portal (https </span><a href="http://www.dohadictionary.org/" target="_blank" style="color:#cc9b00;background-color:transparent;transition:all 0.15s ease-out 0s;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">http://www.dohadictionary.org</span></a><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">). This phase documented the Arabic language from the oldest available document up to the year 200 AH. As preparations are being made for the completion of the second phase, which extends to the year 500 AH, with the intention of starting to address the words of the third stage extending to the present day, the Third International Conference highlights the scientific and cultural dimensions that can be monitored in this important achievement that describes, so far, a lexical journey during ten centuries of Arabic history.</span></p><ol style="color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The main objectives of the conference:</span><p><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">a. Conducting research on the scientific dimensions of the Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language and the opportunities it provides to contribute to the humanities and social and natural sciences.</span></p><p><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">b. Research on the cultural dimensions of the Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language and its role in deepening the understanding of Arab culture, thought and patterns of development.</span></p><p><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">c. Studying the possible role of the historical lexicon of the Arabic language in monitoring the mutual influence of science and culture between Arabic and other languages.</span></p><p><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">d. Studying the methodology adopted in creating historical dictionaries and comparing it with the methodology of the Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic language.</span></p></li></ol><strong class="ms-rteFontSize-3">2. Conference themes:</strong><p><strong class="ms-rteFontSize-3">a. The scientific dimensions of the Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language</strong></p><ul><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The Dictionary and the scientific description of our language.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The Dictionary and the development of concepts and terms.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The Dictionary and scientific research.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The Dictionary and Arab intellectual, scientific and cultural achievement.</span></li></ul><strong class="ms-rteFontSize-3">b. Comparative studies in the approach to building the Dictionary in the presentation of words:</strong><div><ul><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The structure of the lexical entry.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">Types of information in the Dictionary.</span></li></ul><strong class="ms-rteFontSize-3"></strong><strong class="ms-rteFontSize-3">c. Cultural dimensions of the Dictionary</strong><br class="ms-rteFontSize-3"><ul><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The dictionary and social development.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The development of the words in the Dictionary</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">Cultural Mixing in the Dictionary</span></li></ul><ol start="3" style="color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3"><strong>Participation </strong><strong>guidelines:</strong></span></li></ol><ul><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The research must be original, prepared for this conference specifically, and not published in whole or in part anywhere else.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The research proposal should be in the range of 1200-1500 words.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The research must be accompanied by an academic biography of the researcher (100-150 words).</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The research proposal and bio should be sent with an email stating the full name, job description, place of employment and contact details of the applicant, along with the title of the research to </span><a href="mailto:dohadictionary.conference@dohainstitute.org" style="background-color:transparent;color:#cc9b00;transition:all 0.15s ease-out 0s;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3" style="font-weight:700;">conference@dohainstitute.org</span></a><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3" style="font-weight:700;">.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The research will be subject to peer-review.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">Research can be submitted and presented in Arabic or English.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The research papers of participants will be published in their final and complete format.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">Conference Arrangements:</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">The conference will be held in attendance so long as public health conditions permit.</span></li><li><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">Travel, visa and accommodation costs are covered by the organisers.<br></span></li></ul><strong class="ms-rteFontSize-3">4. Important dates:</strong><br class="ms-rteFontSize-3"><p style="margin-bottom:10px;color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">28/2/2022: Deadline to submit research proposal.</span></p><p style="margin-bottom:10px;color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">20/3/2022: Final deadline to respond to applicants.</span></p><p style="margin-bottom:10px;color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">1/5/2022: Deadline for final research paper submission.</span></p><p style="margin-bottom:10px;color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">10-11/5/2022: Conference date.</span></p><p style="margin-bottom:10px;color:#333333;font-family:bahijthesansarabic-plain;background-color:#ffffff;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3">For all inquiries and to apply please email: </span><a href="mailto:dohadictionary.conference@dohainstitute.org" style="color:#cc9b00;background-color:transparent;transition:all 0.15s ease-out 0s;"><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3" style="font-weight:700;">dohadictionary.conference@dohainstitute.org</span></a><span class="ms-rteFontSize-3" style="font-weight:700;">.</span></p><p><br></p><p><br></p></div>The Dictionary will hold its third international conference “The Doha Historical Dictionary of the Arabic Language and Its Scientific and Cultural Dimensions,” seeking to connect the historical and cultural dimensions of the Arabic lexicon with the scient5/10/2022 4:00:00 AM5/11/2022 2:00:00 PMDoha - QatarWorkshop00
8th meeting of Sienctific Council<p style="margin:0px 0px 11px;text-align:justify;"><strong class="ms-rteFontFace-3 ms-rteFontSize-3"><span style="margin:0px;line-height:105%;font-family:"sakkal majalla";font-size:16pt;"><strong><font color="#000000">​​​The Scientific Council of the Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic will hold its eighth meeting under the chairmanship of Dr. Ramzi Baalbaki in the Ritz Carlton Hotel at Doha between 7 and 8 of December 2016</font></strong><span lang="AR-SA" dir="RTL" style="margin:0px;"><strong><font color="#000000">.​​</font></strong></span></span></strong></p>The Scientific Council of the Doha Historical Dictionary of Arabic will hold its eighth meeting under the chairmanship of Dr. Ramzi Baalbaki in the Ritz Carlton Hotel at Doha between 7 and 8 of December 2016.12/7/2016 6:00:00 AM12/8/2016 4:00:00 PMDoha-QatarMeeting00
5th meeting of scientific council<p>The fifth meeting of scientific council in Doha</p>The fifth meeting of scientific council in Doha5/12/2015 5:00:00 AM5/13/2015 4:00:00 PMDoha - QatarMeeting00

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